Welcome to House 42

We believe we can design a world full of meaningful connection and socially healthy communities by improving Relational Fitness.

Sadly, despite being more connected (at least online) we’re also somehow more alone than ever before. 61% of adults identify as lonely, while 4 in 10 report having no close personal relationships. Gen Z spends more time on TikTok than at parties, hanging out with friends or talking on the phone — combined.

In 2023, the U.S. Surgeon General officially declared loneliness an epidemic:

*Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation:

The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Healing

Effects of Social Connection and Community 🔗

Key Takeaways from the Advisory:

  • Humans are wired for social connection, but we’ve become more isolated over time

  • Lack of connection can increase risk of premature death to levels comparable to smoking daily or getting diabetes

  • Social connection significantly improves the health and well-being of all individuals

Our vision for how to address this challenge is to leverage science, design, and leadership development expertise to accomplish several goals:

  1. Give people agency by teaching classes that build Relational Fitness — the ability to create meaningful relationships with others.

  2. Build communities focused on Relational Fitness — online and in-person practice spaces for people to develop their interpersonal skill and confidence.

  3. Create a decentralized 3rd-place that meets in members’ homes and cozy local venues, designed for connection and meaning-making.

  4. Freely share our community designs as open-source, to make creating the community you want as easy as playing a board game.

Let's design a world where meaningful connection is available to every person, everywhere